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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 5/5/2014, 6:47 am

I feel like I need to make this for two reasons. Firstly because I want to improve and two because if I actively post these things I think I'll benefit greatly from this. What I'm going to do here is post every single game I play with a description of everything ranging from my screw ups to the general flow of the game. I hope that my capturing my games, I will be able to locate where my failures are (or others would be able to as well) and move forward with them.

Currently, I am placed in: Silver III

My goal is to reach Gold or higher, but I need to improve a lot in order to get there.

I am A Support Main - also my in game name! - who also plays both top and jungle. When I move to Tacoma, I will be able to fill more efficiently (due to Hawaii ping issues) however I will primarily playing Support... hopefully.

My favorite characters to play are:
Support - Thresh, Leona, Gragas
Jungle - Kha'zix, Volibear, Warwick, Kayle
Top - Trundle, Singed

Last edited by JIGL0JAY on 21/5/2014, 4:40 am; edited 5 times in total
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by mypet tr0ll 5/5/2014, 10:52 am

Good luck buddy.

What supports do you play?
mypet tr0ll
mypet tr0ll
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 5/5/2014, 7:04 pm

mypet tr0ll wrote:Good luck buddy.

What supports do you play?

I play Thresh, Leona, and Gragas (not troll pick) primarily. I'm working to get better with grag support because I believe him to be pretty good. I used to pick Nautilus as well for that same reason. Added this into my main post.
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 5/5/2014, 8:28 pm

Two updates here:


So this game I don't understand... at all. Their team build was completely confusing, and they pushed 3 mid at first. We got their bot tower dead and we didn't lose mid tower, but after that it just got terrible. Irelia continued to lane against Shaco and died twice, while Fiora kept jungling even though they kept pushing 3 mid. We were not really good for diving in because of Syndra and it was basically chaos. Fiora cleaned up most kills which accounts for her higher kills. I feel like I could have done something better but in that whole situation I stuck with my ADC to make sure he didn't die.


This one I definitely enjoyed. As soon as I hit level 3, I ganked top and scored a kill, although Garen wasn't too happy about that. My strategy consisted of clearing one side of camps, showing presence, and then moving on. I ganked Yasuo and scored a kill and Kha'zix was flaming me in /all when I turned off my E to sneak in and gank him between mid towers. I got my feral flare at 16 minutes and had about 45 stacks by the end of the game. I feel as though I should have had more presence late game, however I also don't feel as though I was invisible. I picked up 3 dragons and 4 kills. My dive after doing baron was stupid, and I will admit that. I got extremely cocky with 15 total kills up on their team.

In game, Quinn chastised me for not ganking bot. Part of me doesn't understand where I could have improved there considering I helped get her 5 kills from Kha, Lucian, and Lulu.
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 6/5/2014, 5:20 pm


This game was difficult. I'm happy to say that only 2 of these deaths were in lane, and only one of them was because of my lane opponent directly (Ryze). The other included getting caught by Shyv and Ziggs after killing Ryze.

I think my top skills are fairly good, they would be better with a better latency. However I notice that top lane is heavily decided by positioning and I am not good with that. That is definitely something that would get me farther in all my lanes, and I think that is one of the core reasons I am not gold+. 3 of the 5 deaths I had were preventable due to poor positioning and diving without my team (team disengages when I engage). The last 2 were last ditch efforts to save base. I hated this game purely because Vi got 3 kills on each lane early on but then proceeded to turn toxic when Zed (who did well as well) wouldn't push his mid all the way in.



This just reinforces my post above. This game was excellent and I couldn't have asked for better synergy. My ults were on point here, and I only "missed" one (Ryze got knocked up by Wukong and didn't walk fully into it). My bad sides were that I died 3 times in lane to my opponents for somewhat stupid reasons. We always killed their ADC in the trades, so it was ADC for Support deaths. Which is good for the lane but bad for me overall because they end up getting gold regardless. I really need to start looking at guides and streams for positioning, otherwise I will consistently get 7-9 deaths per game and be a contributing factor to possible losses.
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by Julian 6/5/2014, 7:33 pm

Best of luck Jigl0. I'm s2 69 points as of right now and I'm also a support main. It's not the easiest thing to carry yourself as support, but its possible. I suggest you play Morgana. She is sooooo strong right now and if you can land a thresh hook, you can land a Morgana bind!
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 7/5/2014, 10:01 am


The one thing I can say about this game is that it was a nail biter. It was extremely slanted in our favor at first but like most low-elo players, we were unable to capitalize on this huge lead. By about 20 minutes we were 25-10, our Irelia being 3/0, our WW having FF and 3 stacks(ish) on it, and just generally good things coming. The big problems came between 30-40minutes where our team was unfocused. Syndra would be grabbing blue while Irelia was freezing top lane (not pushing it, FREEZING IT) and causing a fight to break out. I was no stranger to this as at one point my team was chasing a running Udyr while 3 of their team were dead, and there were 2 objectives. I tunnel visioned until I died and only got the inhib down to about 1/2 HP before dying.

For the amount of unintentional baiting Irelia did, only 3 deaths was surprising to me. The last team fight was crazy because 3 of their team had GA at the end and they all popped at the same time after all our spells were on CD. They took out 2 of us (me included) but we smashed them back down for the win. Overall I liked this game, but I feel like my reoccurring problem is positioning. Another issue I had was I was not necessarily raging but I was spamming pings and "SHOVE MID SHOVE MID" (copy + pasting it a few times) when my team was moving for kills rather than other things.

I'm going to keep saying what my problem was during the game so that I'm aware of what to fix.


This game I loved. Firstly, you can see I only have 4 deaths. This is an improvement, even if it was just a little bit and because we stomped. Cait was 4/0 by the time laning was done, and I was comforting Renekton because he wanted to play support but conceded because of my name. I told him I had no problem playing top but he insisted and said that he would play passive. And he did, so he was very happy towards the end. I have to say that Vi definitely carried us and made sure every lane was pushed in even when Nunu and Morg swapped (Nunu went from mid to supp). They just couldn't keep up.

Thinking back, my first death came from being too far pushed in when Lee ganked. We got a 2 for 1 (my death for ADC + jungle kills), and then the final 3 were team fights where I was the tanky initiator. I don't think these deaths were necessarily preventable, but there's always room for improvement.


I don't know what to say here. Each lane had a death in lane that ended up snowballing. At 6, TF tele'd top and took out Lee. I don't want to shift too much blame but Hecarim always entered lane from tower side. Instead of circling around using river/their tri (we were purple), he would enter from tower. He actually got to 5 HP during a gank while we were recalling and both pinging him away. I feel like this game was really just a no contest.
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 10/5/2014, 7:34 am


I no longer feel like playing anymore.

Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Trash10

This game makes me feel stupid every time I get in. I can't even position myself correctly to help my team.
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by DoYouPlay_RS 10/5/2014, 10:14 pm

Going to start a thread like this one. Nice idea, but try to focus on your mistakes and not your team's, i.e. your 2/6/3 Leona game. Listing the reasons for your 6 deaths and taking note of them as they happen really helps vent off the stress that is clearly imminent in your recent posts.
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Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!) Empty Re: Jigl0jay's Goal To Gold (and Beyond!)

Post by JIGL0JAY 21/5/2014, 4:39 am


Now what happened here was Karma was last pick and didn't say anything until first pick went through. Karma was last pick, but didn't call lane. All lanes were called except for support and top, and I said I would top if they were better at support. No problem, right? Well they pick Ez, which means there's vayne AND ez. This meant Vayne would go top if they picked a support, which they did. Brand offered to swap with me, but they picked Fizz which wouldn't have gone any better. Karma offers to pick Karma and go mid, which works for me.

We invaded, and I think I should have placed my glacier a bit better because we had their Lee down to about 30 HP.

The game was a stomp because they weren't expecting all the lane swaps, especially against "unconventional" lanes. Brand got first blood, Karma zoned Fizz completely, and I helped pump some kills out. As always, my positioning was weak. I dove in to zone more and ended up with about 100 hp for no real reason. I think when I move to Seattle in a week I'm going to seek out someone to coach me on that sort of thing.

I have also found an affinity for Kayle jungle. I am squishy like Kha, but I also love Kayle's skin and playstyle (Runaan's burster) and that makes me want to play more.

I am also kickstarting my thread again because I am moving soon, and hope that my better ping will improve my gameplay.


This one was interesting. Singed fed hardcore but it wasn't trolling or "intentional". He knew he wasn't going to win lanes so he roamed a lot and kept lanes pushed. He died a lot, but never let top get past the first tower. I was actually really surprised by how it turned out. Cait and Kat just completely slapped our lanes around by diving and wrecking. 2 of my ults were indirect hits (not stuns but slows), and the last ult to finish the game was perfectly square on Kat as she dived our Shyv who dived their inner mid tower for no real reason. Our MF was fed enough that we killed panth, cait, and kat and proceeded to shove as hard as we could into their nexus for the win. Right before the last hits, Kat and Panth came in and stun/ulted as I face'd MF long enough for 2 more hits.

I need to learn how to do replays so I can observe my faults more.
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