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Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin)

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Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin) Empty Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin)

Post by KMV 15/8/2014, 6:13 pm

Just thought it was interesting the thingsthe koreans try with it enjoy.

Grandmaster (2000 posts)
Grandmaster (2000 posts)

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Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin) Empty Re: Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin)

Post by fishingman71 18/8/2014, 4:24 am

Well, koreans are always known for their weird-ass builds n shit, But I guess it works for them.
Tier 4 (500 posts)
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Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin) Empty Re: Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin)

Post by D avy 18/8/2014, 6:57 am

fishingman71 wrote:Well, koreans are always known for their weird-ass builds n shit, But I guess it works for them.

And a month later it suddenly also works for EU en NA, such copycats, many wow Very Happy
D avy
D avy
Tier 3 (300 posts)
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Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin) Empty Re: Korean Solo Q (SKT T1 S Top Laner Marin)

Post by KMV 18/8/2014, 11:19 am

D avy wrote:
fishingman71 wrote:Well, koreans are always known for their weird-ass builds n shit, But I guess it works for them.

And a month later it suddenly also works for EU en NA, such copycats, many wow Very Happy

Yeah most of whats spread thru the worlds meta has come out of Korea sadly.

Syndra (before OGN winters only Bjergson, Cool, and Nagne played it competitively at random times)
Lulu (faker)
Kayle w/ runaans (faker again)
Velkoz/Gragas support(Only 1 team in NA and 2 in Europe have actually run Velkoz)
Pre-season to early season 4 tank meta(Shyvanna, Renekton, Mundo, Rengar)
Leblanc (Yup took faker to play it in OGN winter for someone to be brave enough to play in competitive everywhere else)
Patch 4.4 Zed(Most played champion Mid in OGN then bought out on that patch then exhaust and heal came along then became the 2nd most played in both NA/EU LCS)
Twisted Fate + ghost/flash meta(faker at work again with exhaust buffs)
Twitch (Najin white shield ran it 1st time this year nearly won a game without killing a single player as in exposed nexus until they threw a lot and lost)
Zilean Mid/Support (faker again with mid/Poohmandu with support)
Kogmaw (Deft brought it out showed the world how Kogmaw should be used/however Wildturtle casually played Kogmaw before it was popular but, not that often)
Karthus (Faker demonstrated how Karthus is a soft counter to Yasuo which is why ALL competitive games with Karthus in it in season 4 he was facing a Yasuo)
Top Lane Gragas (A Korean amateur team known as Bigfile Miracle was the 1st to use it in competitive)
Nidalee Mid (Dade brought this lovely pick out that no one liked)
Taric support (Arguably Taric was extremely broken in the 1st place after the season 4 patch but, This was 1st bought out at the time of Bota and NO team ran Taric)
Top lane poke meta (Lulu, Kayle, Gragas, Ryze Samsung blue was 1st in this area to make it the best thing for a bit)
Yasuo (NA sucked massive dick at playing this champion for months and the 1st person to play it well in NA was Clauster as a sub and he hard carried CLG with it that game as for EU only froggen ran Yasuo successfully in Spring EU LCS)

Jax (started by Zionspartan everyone called him crazy then he 1v3'd got a triple kill Koreans tried it then it went worldwide)
Ryze Top (Bought out 1st by Nien but, didn't start getting popular until the exhaust changes)
Max CDR Elise (Meteos showing the world Elise is still good and once again became top picks after the 1st nerf)
Rengar (1st ran by Meteos, everyone called him a crazyman then Koreans did it, now its a popular pick except NA/EU both suck at using Rengar as a team strategy not just early pressure)
Olaf Jungle (Theory crafted by Meteos and Oddone but completely fell out of favor with the defensive masteries being nerfed)
Tristana (Complexity has an 80% win rate with Tristana you know the team nuff said although they brought it out 1st)
AD Evelynn (after changing her E to physical damage Diamondprox showed AD eve is still good)
Wukong + Pantheon Jungle (Curse ran wukong jungle 1st in relegations and caught wind everywhere to combo with Yasuo and pantheon 1st run by Curse, then EU in every game after the NA day before it)
Top lane Maokai (Fnatic brought it out 1st caught on immediately after gragas nerfs)
Morgana support (spellthiefs edge made xpecials favorite solo queue pick below diamond 1 viable, then every EU team ran it, however this pick actually didn't become popular in Korean or China until C9 shit on people with it at All Stars)
Talon/Ad trist (Both by Voyboy caught wind with KTA v Blue game)
Irelia top (wickd bought it out 1st caught on in NA but, hasn't caught on very much in Korea yet)
Kha'ziks jungle (This pick is actually a really interesting one as this one came from a solo queue player known as Nightblue3 rank 3 in challenger at one point this season then tried by Meteos 1st in competitive with his nerfs Diamondprox bought out evolve W 1st and it works well)
Trundle (to counter the tank top lane meta it was actually hardly ran by Korea for most of the time the Tank meta top was the best)
Xerath Mid (First done in EU at the early points of his rework but, then Dandy played it all of a sudden it was good everywhere)

Thats only the counting the champions that were copied from Korea with fair timing such as BotA and still Korean outweighs EU and NA combined.

Other random things tried
Swain top (EU playoffs + once mid by SHC to counter Lulu and failed)
Zac top(Fanatic once and Copenhagen wolves once)
Tank Tristana top (Copenhagen wolves)
Aatrox jungle (exclusively an SK thing atm but, someone could discover the genius by behind it maybe?)
Top lane Kassadin (Only Samsung Blue did this)
Riven Jungle (Did once by Jin Air Stealths in OGN spring and Alliance is 5-1 with it in EU LCS. Not copied from that because the Koreans was straight tank)
Kha'ziks Mid (Cloud 9 did it a couple times then LMQ did it once)
Alistar (universally seen as a strong pick being practiced by some teams in every region Dyrus, Save, Wickd)
Vladamir top(Copenhagen wolves ran it 3 games lost of them and now in relegations)
Warwick (to counter 1st pick trundles by TSM)
Yorick top(Fnatic thing)
Ziggs Top(Fnatic thing)
Top lane Lee Sin(Flame did it as he is that good and played it to counter the tank meta however got outscaled everytime he tried and yes a Fnatic thing)
Fizz mid(Every EU knows how to play it because its easy and has a very easy time outplaying compared to other Assassins however pobelter brought this out to counter Leblanc)

I am missing a few things but, my point is there is innovation that comes out of NA, just most of what has come out of NA/EU a good Korean team has to play it 1st to be considered good by everyone else in NA/EU and innovating does have some discouragements in NA because of flack received for it.

Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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