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Investing in Updates

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Investing in Updates Empty Investing in Updates

Post by [ADMIN] Billious 29/12/2013, 10:39 am

Investing in Updates Pre_1399336989__guides

Investing in Updates

Investing in updates can be risky but it's also the far most rewarding way. Investing in updates means you'll be looking through recent news posts, searching for items that will be updated in future or the update will have any kind of impact on them. This can be tricky as it involves overall knowledge of runescape and the item's role in it.

Starting Off

To start off you'll first have to find proper items that will be updated in the future or the update that will have any kind of impact on them. If you're not sure if the update will have any effect on item then stay away from it or you might lose some serious money. If you know the item's going to be worse after the update then you also want to stay away from this. Only invest if the impact on the item will be positive and not negative. Make sure you read the news post carefully.

Behind the Scenes:
At the beginning of every month Jagex releases the thread with all the future updates that are expected to happen in that month. There are approximately four updates every month which mean there are many investment opportunities out there. Make sure you read it carefully.

Friday BTS:
Every Friday Jagex releases the video commentary on next week's update. There's some content shown on it so you can find your future investment there. Be aware that you won't have much time to gather a solid stock so try buying a few hours after the update when prices settle a little.

News Post:
News post gets released together with the actual update. Make sure you read it as there may be another potential investments hiding in it. You should also check the bottom of the news post with patch notes. In patch notes Jagex usually presents stuff that they fixed together with this update. Many times you'll find some interesting stuff there.

If there are rumors spreading around that something is going to get updated soon then don't invest, except in those rumors which have a solid ground in the Jagex's team posts. Most of the time people will try to manipulate items meaning that you may loose a hefty amount of coins if you fall for the misinformation. Always make sure that they have a solid ground in fact.

Investing Before BTS:
I suggest you stay away from investing at the end of the month. There's a risk that the item you choose may be affected by the BTS in a negative way making your investment crash and loosing you your precious money.

Buying Your Item

Once again before buying the item make sure the item you're investing in is the right one. After you have no doubts about it you can start. The problem with buying is that finding the right buy price can be tricky as items will usually rise above mid and it will stay there for quite some time. In the first few hours after any news post you should keep away from buying any stock as prices will be drastically inflated. I would wait for a day or two for prices to settle. After that buying your stock should be influenced by your cash stack and the time of the update. If you have a high cash stack then there shouldn't be any problems with buying your stock right away. With low cash you should consider if the investment is even worth it as it may tie up your cash for too long and if you don't have extra money laying around this can turn into a real problem. Also make sure you check for any indicators when the update may happen either by reading through news post if there's any indicator or by regularly checking Friday's BTS videos.

After you've decided that investing is a wise choice you can start stocking. Once again wait for a day for prices to settle as they will be ridiculously high right after the news post. It's really important to know when the update is taking place. The closer the update is then the fluctuation of the item will be lower. If you know the update is going to be next week then buy in. It will be enough time for you to buy a few limits at a low price no matter how far above mid the price it is (although be alert if it's extremely high above mid as buying in at that time isn't wise). The reason you may want to buy in immediately is that there will be many people stocking on the update driving prices to crazy heights. Use this to your advantage and accumulate sufficient stock to make the most out of it. The prices should only rise during that week. If the update is happening later on in the month then buying in right away may not be the best thing. At first it will tie your money and it will disable you to buy more stock at more convenient price. The item will fluctuate a lot more and by checking the graphs you can figure out its low points. Whenever an item is crashing it is a good time to buy. The price will already be drastically lower in the ge and it's a good thing to accumulate most of your stock at this time, rather then later on when the item is rising again. Because the item is expected to rise higher than it usually does you will still make a very nice profit, even though you're not buying it at its lowest point.

Selling the Item

There are two ways to sell the item. You can either sell it right before an update or right after the update.

Selling it Before the Update
I always choose this method as it involves less risk and still makes you a great money. There are few good reasons for it. You are more likely to be the only merchant trying to get rid of your stock so the market won't be flooded with the item making your investment harder to sell at good price. There are also many people who like to get prepared way before the update even takes place or right before it. You also don't know how the item is really going to be affected as update may not affect it in such a great manner as was expected. The downside is that the update may have a greater impact on the item then you originally thought so you may lose extra profit. Still that doesn't out weight the risk you're taking when holding your item for longer. Depending on the stock try to sell it 1-2 days before update takes place. Sell it for a high price and don't instantly dump it. If your item is selling way faster then it normally would you may try setting your sell price even higher.

Selling it After the Update:
This is a very risky method and in many cases as it doesn't always work. But if successful it can make you some enormous profits. Updates may have a different impact on the item then originally thought so after it, prices may or may not skyrocket. When the ascension dungeon was released at the start of the June 2013 many people thought this would be high level content so they didn't bothered with it. But when it was released it was made for basically everyone which had a huge impact on range equipment prices as they kept rising even days after the update. But those are extreme circumstances and as I said before it's just not worth the risk you're taking.

If by any chance you weren't able to sell your stock before the update make sure you check how the item was affected by the update. If you get lucky the impact on the item may be bigger then it was expected making it rise even further. If not then it's simply best to just sell it for what you can as it probably won't rise much after the update while most investors are selling their stock.

Special thanks to Julij2 for making this guide with the help of the Investment Mentors Pudd, Connor and the help of Minato.
[ADMIN] Billious
[ADMIN] Billious

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