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What am I doing wrong?

Ms. Santa
mypet tr0ll
Panda Domo
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What am I doing wrong? Empty What am I doing wrong?

Post by Heartstop123 7/5/2014, 12:15 pm

Hey guys, I recently started playing league and a few weeks ago i got placed in Bronze 1. I won a few games and soon after I was in my promos. I lost 3 in a row and was set back down to around 70 lp. I won my next 2 games and got into my promos again and won my first promo then lost 3 in a row. since then I have been losing a ton a games and I am currently bronze 3 with 0lp. Anyone want to play with me in normals or something and tell me what I am doing wrong? My summoner name is Heartstop123.

EDIT: Currently on a 9 losing streak. here is my most recent game, how am i supposed to win?

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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Scouser 8/5/2014, 9:00 am

May just be a series of bad luck. Sometimes you will get many games in a row where your team will feed or if they don't you will. That tends to happen sometimes and eventually will equalize out with winning streaks where either you or your team stomps the game.

How do you feel before each game? Are you annoyed by your loss streak? If you are, you may be on tilt and should probably take a short break from ranked and play some games in normals with the aim to get better until you win a few games. Frustration can cause you to make poor decisions in game so it's best not to play ranked if you are on tilt.

That game that you specifically posted, it seems that the rest of your team did very poorly, and you did average. I am guessing you probably had a lead in that game, but you probably could have used it better. For instance, why did you build rod of ages on veigar? The only mana items you should ever build on veigar would be tear or chalice, never rod of ages. Veigar is a squishy AP caster that does not benefit from the health that much, as if they are already on you, you will either stun them or die regardless of your health as you are not a tank.

Your aim as veigar would be to deal as much damage as possible, especially if the rest of your team is failing as in this game the rest of your team were behind and were doing minimal damage. You may have been able to carry better by building a tear into seraph or a chalice if you really need the MR. Mercury treads is also a dubious item to have on veigar, if you get CCed you are likely to die instantly as Veigar anyway, in this situation sorc shoes would have been better to increase your damage. You also built a spectres cowl and were aiming for a banshees. This is understandable against Leblanc, but I do not think you should have been building it so soon, as you sacrifice a lot of damage, a rabadons or DFG may have been a better option.

If you had built these damage items you would have easily been able to one shot Sivir/velkoz/LB and potentially jax (as he only built armour, no MR). This would have given you a better chance at winning as you should let the rest of your tanks do the tanking (although your only tank was a squishy Pantheon) and you should be the one dealing the damage if you are the only one doing well on your team as a midlaner.

Another thing to consider would be roaming. I am not sure whether you did or not by looking at the game stats, but if you didn't and you had an advantage then you should have. While veigar isn't exactly the most mobile champion most midlaners should consider roaming to transfer their advantage to other lanes. Even if you are dominating lane, that won't cause your other lanes to win as well unless you roam to their lane and get a double kill. It is difficult to tell you when to roam, but preferably after clearing your wave in the mid lane with your W and Q's if there is a gank opportunity (bot lane overextended etc.).

These are just some things to consider when playing mid lane, having a good build is very important so that your gold is being spent optimally for your team and roaming is important to transfer your advantage to other lanes (it is a team game).

Hope this helps you!
Tier 2 (100 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Zombeh 8/5/2014, 11:10 am

Well as a veigar player, building RoA is not a good choice, since you're laning against a LB go for a chalice -> a Athene's then go for a DFG or Dcap your build simply lacks damage. If you'd like I can play a few games with you if you'd like sometime next week.
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by DoYouPlay_RS 8/5/2014, 6:34 pm

I think of it as if you have at least 1 death, you made a mistake, and if you had 10 deaths, you made at least 10 mistakes. You had 10 kills, but you gave a TON of gold to the enemy team which isn't good.
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Panda Domo 8/5/2014, 7:00 pm

Your build is just flat-out awful. Beginning builds vary depending on your lane opponent, but your general core is almost always the same. In this case, your rush for armor/MR in order to be tanky and survive is absolutely worthless.

What you should have done is gone double Dorans ring and a chalice early game, and then try to get DFG/Deathcap as soon as possible. Even though you're playing verse LB and she has high burst, you're also playing Veigar who has equally (if not higher) burst at level 6. In terms of game play, you should've just farmed out as much AP with your Q as you can. Once you hit 6, it's just a matter of landing your E and then insta-killing with DFG + combo.

Also, if you really did need to get tanky because you're getting facerolled by LB, then what you should have done is gone Athene's/Abyssal then instead of Zhonyas/Mercs and what it looks like is a Banshee's.

You shouldn't have gotten an RoA because even though the stats that are provided are excellent, Veigar is a burst champion that excels early and RoA takes 10mins to get the full benefits.

However, in terms of gameplay, I think you're probably pretty solid. I haven't played a game with you yet so I'm just judging strictly from score. Even though people are saying your 10 deaths is atrocious, it's actually not that bad considering your entire team fed like it was their day job. It looks like your entire team got stomped into the ground, at least you managed to keep yourself in the game.

There probably wasn't a possible way for you to have carried that game with Veigar, you had a 4 man feeding team. Looks like your entire team got outplayed as a whole, nothing you can do about it there. Even though it's Bronze, your entire team comp was also next to complete shit in comparison to theirs, so you would've needed some kind of early game miracle or a complete team out-play in order to have won anyway. Just accept the loss and move on.
Panda Domo
Panda Domo
Tier 4 (500 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Frekwency 8/5/2014, 7:49 pm

Add me: Dacri

I'm only Silver 1, but I may be able to help Smile

I'll be home in 4 hours from this post!
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Heartstop123 8/5/2014, 8:39 pm

I built the way I did for some survivability, I understand that veigar is primarily a burst Mage, however I felt that building survivability was more important because my team wasn't doing so well and I couldn't carry as a burst Mage in a team fight I would only be able to kill one person before my team dies and then I die.
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Scouser 8/5/2014, 8:56 pm

If your team wasn't doing so well while you were, then that means that you should be your team's main source of damage, and should have been investing in building damage items in order to deal damage to the other team. While it is true you may kill one person regardless, the AOE from your W will deal damage to the rest of the enemies caught in it. Ideally you should be sitting near the back during a teamfight or just position yourself better to avoid getting jumped on but still being able to stun an out of position carry and burst them. The extra 650 health from ROA won't be helping you when there's a Jax or Hecarim on top of you, it may allow you to live a few seconds longer, but given your cooldowns you likely would only have gotten one burst down if they were to jump on you immediately, whereas if you had simply built more damage you could have potentially one shot them before they could damage, or at worst one shot one of their carries while dying yourself (which would be no different than before).

This is just one way you could have done better that game, but that alone would not have guaranteed you a win, judging by how poorly your teammates performed. However, in the long run, the little things like builds matter and will be a deciding factor in some of your future games and is therefore important to improve should you wish to climb.
Tier 2 (100 posts)
Tier 2 (100 posts)

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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Heartstop123 9/5/2014, 10:58 am

just an update: since this thread I continued on to an 11 loss streak and was demoted to bronze 4. I am now on a 4 win streak and I have won my first promo back into bronze 3. I honestly don't know if it was just a rough patch or what. added you frekwency

Last edited by Heartstop123 on 9/5/2014, 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Connor 9/5/2014, 2:55 pm

Here's some advice that everyone can use. Tilt is real. My personal rule is if I lose 2 games in a row ranked, I stop playing for a while. You ought to give it a try, otherwise you may just keep losing and losing.

Best of luck.
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Panda Domo 9/5/2014, 11:09 pm

Heartstop123 wrote:I built the way I did for some survivability, I understand that veigar is primarily a burst Mage, however I felt that building survivability was more important because my team wasn't doing so well and I couldn't carry as a burst Mage in a team fight I would only be able to kill one person before my team dies and then I die.

That's essentially your primary role as a burst mage. You insta-kill whoever is on their team that's valuable and die, that's all you really do. If you survive, then consider yourself lucky and proceed to wipe the rest of their team. There's really not much value to building survivability at all.
Panda Domo
Panda Domo
Tier 4 (500 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by DoYouPlay_RS 10/5/2014, 10:15 pm

If you're down to duo queue some time, let me know. My ign is Smoothie World and I've been sitting at Gold 5 for a couple of weeks now.
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by mypet tr0ll 20/5/2014, 2:59 pm

I noticed that you haven't been buying pink wards. Pink wards are extremely influential and give vision for long amounts of times, particularly in bronze.

Also, always finish the support item (frost queens claim).

I don't personally play soraka, but from observing other rakas, it's better to not build any AP and to focus more on items such as Mikaels Crucible, Locket, Randuins, Frozen Heart. Mikaels crucible is pretty much core on every support, the active is just too damn good to ignore, and combining the active of miks+ raka w and ult, that's one hell of a heal.

And also, in that last game it appears you lost lane quite severely (look at caits kills/twitch' deaths). Your other laners did quite decently, bar pantheon but thats not a terrible score. You guys probably fucked up in a later team fight and as soraka, you have the potential to almost solely win your team a fight by using your abilities correctly.

Anyway, personally I think raka is shit (im plat 2), try picking up thresh/karma(really strong)/nami(strong) as these 3 supports have a more direct effect to the games outcome. Braum is OP as well in my eyes, try learning him in norms and then having a few trys in ranked with him. Good luck in soloq
mypet tr0ll
mypet tr0ll
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Dual_Shock 20/5/2014, 6:33 pm

Die less, farm more.
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Heartstop123 21/5/2014, 5:55 pm

mypet tr0ll wrote:I noticed that you haven't been buying pink wards. Pink wards are extremely influential and give vision for long amounts of times, particularly in bronze.

Also, always finish the support item (frost queens claim).

I don't personally play soraka, but from observing other rakas, it's better to not build any AP and to focus more on items such as Mikaels Crucible, Locket, Randuins, Frozen Heart. Mikaels crucible is pretty much core on every support, the active is just too damn good to ignore, and combining the active of miks+ raka w and ult, that's one hell of a heal.

And also, in that last game it appears you lost lane quite severely (look at caits kills/twitch' deaths). Your other laners did quite decently, bar pantheon but thats not a terrible score. You guys probably fucked up in a later team fight and as soraka, you have the potential to almost solely win your team a fight by using your abilities correctly.

Anyway, personally I think raka is shit (im plat 2), try picking up thresh/karma(really strong)/nami(strong) as these 3 supports have a more direct effect to the games outcome. Braum is OP as well in my eyes, try learning him in norms and then having a few trys in ranked with him. Good luck in soloq
I think you are talking about my most recent game that i lost, I always buy pinks, it is one of the first items that I buy and I place it in the little river brush between dragon and mid lane (usually lasts me 20+ mins before someone walks into it and it gives great vision for mid and bot lanes.) I built Ap to make my heals stronger and to allow me to actually do damage rather than be a walking aoe buff during team fights. I have karma (she is my most played champ) thresh is banned to much for me to justify using my precious ip to buy him lol

As for Dual Shock
Farming as a support is generally frowned upon. Dying however is something that I am working on. I need to work on my positioning during team fights and focus on not getting caught when going to place wards
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Ms. Santa 23/5/2014, 1:27 am

Connor wrote:Here's some advice that everyone can use. Tilt is real. My personal rule is if I lose 2 games in a row ranked, I stop playing for a while. You ought to give it a try, otherwise you may just keep losing and losing.

Best of luck.

Thanks for this I needed it lmfao.
Ms. Santa
Ms. Santa
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by JIGL0JAY 23/5/2014, 2:55 am

I skimmed and noticed Veigar, which I'm not well versed in so therefore won't comment on, and "Support".

I recommend finding how to save your replays and then watch them. Watch them and pretend that you are watching someone else play, and then take notes of every mistake you make. Every single one. Do this every game, preferably after the rage has subsided. After you've listed your mistakes, start improving upon them. Watch other people play who are plat+, read guides, play custom games where you learn to last hit as mid with no masteries/runes (and no items if you want to really learn to last hit).

Get someone to play a custom game with you where they provide pressure. The more you learn positioning and item builds that benefit you the most, the more likely you are to make better plays.
Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by KMV 23/5/2014, 8:15 am

Well in that particular game if that Rod and Hourglass was a Deathcap and DFG you might of been able to carry that game but even if you did buy that it would of been a hard game for you to win based off the rest of your teams scores and you could of farmed a lil better as well but against Vel'koz not a whole lot better then you did.

edit: My mistake you were up against leblanc by the look of it. Practice last hitting with Veigar autos and most importantly of all if your team is behind and your the strongest one on your team you CAN'T be buying as defensive as you were and risk it with raw damage or you just lose anyways. The only time you itemize defensively like that is if your playing something that does heavy sustain damage like Swain or Warwick.

Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Aezure 23/5/2014, 3:10 pm

If I was in your position there (I hope i never have to be, because ugh Veigar and LB screws you either way) I would have rushed Athene's then full damage.
Zhonya's was near useless because if you are forced to use it on Veigar you will just die right afterwards. RoA wasn't a bad pick up, but is inferior to Athene's.
Either way LeBlanc should poop on you in lane.

KMV wrote:The only time you itemize defensively like that is if your playing something that does heavy sustain damage like Swain or Warwick.
I'm just going to correct this a bit. You should itemise defensively in lane if your opponent has strong kill pressure on you, whether your opponent's damage is sustained or not doesn't really affect it. In fact sustained damage dealers tend to be have low kill pressure, providing you know how much damage they do correctly you can back out easily, against these it's better to take teleport to heal at base without losing CS.
Forum Fanatic (1000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by KMV 23/5/2014, 8:24 pm

Aezure wrote:If I was in your position there (I hope i never have to be, because ugh Veigar and LB screws you either way) I would have rushed Athene's then full damage.
Zhonya's was near useless because if you are forced to use it on Veigar you will just die right afterwards. RoA wasn't a bad pick up, but is inferior to Athene's.
Either way LeBlanc should poop on you in lane.

KMV wrote:The only time you itemize defensively like that is if your playing something that does heavy sustain damage like Swain or Warwick.
I'm just going to correct this a bit. You should itemise defensively in lane if your opponent has strong kill pressure on you, whether your opponent's damage is sustained or not doesn't really affect it. In fact sustained damage dealers tend to be have low kill pressure, providing you know how much damage they do correctly you can back out easily, against these it's better to take teleport to heal at base without losing CS.

Yeah there are situations where you can do that but, based off the picture with his team being a combined 5/36 there's no way that's doing enough damage to win anything. That particular game was at the point where you have to risk it. Buying defensively when you are behind like that isn't going to get you anywhere. On a side note on veigar the difference between a deathcap and a chalice if you are Q farming and getting moderate kills can be 100-200 ap depending on how well you Q farm and get kills.

Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Aezure 24/5/2014, 10:57 pm

KMV wrote:
Aezure wrote:If I was in your position there (I hope i never have to be, because ugh Veigar and LB screws you either way) I would have rushed Athene's then full damage.
Zhonya's was near useless because if you are forced to use it on Veigar you will just die right afterwards. RoA wasn't a bad pick up, but is inferior to Athene's.
Either way LeBlanc should poop on you in lane.

KMV wrote:The only time you itemize defensively like that is if your playing something that does heavy sustain damage like Swain or Warwick.
I'm just going to correct this a bit. You should itemise defensively in lane if your opponent has strong kill pressure on you, whether your opponent's damage is sustained or not doesn't really affect it. In fact sustained damage dealers tend to be have low kill pressure, providing you know how much damage they do correctly you can back out easily, against these it's better to take teleport to heal at base without losing CS.

Yeah there are situations where you can do that but, based off the picture with his team being a combined 5/36 there's no way that's doing enough damage to win anything. That particular game was at the point where you have to risk it. Buying defensively when you are behind like that isn't going to get you anywhere. On a side note on veigar the difference between a deathcap and a chalice if you are Q farming and getting moderate kills can be 100-200 ap depending on how well you Q farm and get kills.
There's a risk and then there's being stupid. His team wouldn't have been 36 kills down before first back (ie before chalice). The risky build (for that game) would have been chalice > dfg (can survive lane but with fastest possible damage spike), the safe build would be completing Athenes before dfg (good laning but retains the ability to do stuff other than burst 1 person down then die).
There's more to carrying than just killing everyone, especially on Veigar. You need to be able to farm up. If you are against an easy lane you go tear. If you are against a hard lane you go chalice. If you are me you go 3x dorans ring (don't do that you'll get flamed). If you just rush AP you will just have the mana to farm but you will have 0 pressure on your opponent. If you rush AP and your team falls behind you will run out of mana the moment any sort of pressure is applied and your farm will suffer even more (let alone the team you are supposed to be carrying).
Forum Fanatic (1000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by KMV 26/5/2014, 6:16 am

Aezure wrote:
KMV wrote:
Aezure wrote:If I was in your position there (I hope i never have to be, because ugh Veigar and LB screws you either way) I would have rushed Athene's then full damage.
Zhonya's was near useless because if you are forced to use it on Veigar you will just die right afterwards. RoA wasn't a bad pick up, but is inferior to Athene's.
Either way LeBlanc should poop on you in lane.

KMV wrote:The only time you itemize defensively like that is if your playing something that does heavy sustain damage like Swain or Warwick.
I'm just going to correct this a bit. You should itemise defensively in lane if your opponent has strong kill pressure on you, whether your opponent's damage is sustained or not doesn't really affect it. In fact sustained damage dealers tend to be have low kill pressure, providing you know how much damage they do correctly you can back out easily, against these it's better to take teleport to heal at base without losing CS.

Yeah there are situations where you can do that but, based off the picture with his team being a combined 5/36 there's no way that's doing enough damage to win anything. That particular game was at the point where you have to risk it. Buying defensively when you are behind like that isn't going to get you anywhere. On a side note on veigar the difference between a deathcap and a chalice if you are Q farming and getting moderate kills can be 100-200 ap depending on how well you Q farm and get kills.
There's a risk and then there's being stupid. His team wouldn't have been 36 kills down before first back (ie before chalice). The risky build (for that game) would have been chalice > dfg (can survive lane but with fastest possible damage spike), the safe build would be completing Athenes before dfg (good laning but retains the ability to do stuff other than burst 1 person down then die).
There's more to carrying than just killing everyone, especially on Veigar. You need to be able to farm up. If you are against an easy lane you go tear. If you are against a hard lane you go chalice. If you are me you go 3x dorans ring (don't do that you'll get flamed). If you just rush AP you will just have the mana to farm but you will have 0 pressure on your opponent. If you rush AP and your team falls behind you will run out of mana the moment any sort of pressure is applied and your farm will suffer even more (let alone the team you are supposed to be carrying).

For the 3 doran rings thats fine you do what you have to do to make it thru laning. Personally I would pretty much always go dfg or deathcap just because of his Q farming. If you can accumulate an extra 40 ap thats a solid 860 gold just for doing well with stacking his Q. The better you are doing with stacking your Q the more you should lean towards a deathcap over a chalice. In most cases even when facing a leblanc I would 100% rely on my ability to place the box down well to beat it. If veigar is your favorite and main champion work on playing it with absolute confidence to the point where it doesn't matter what your facing you can do well and how the laning phase goes doesn't dictate the game.

Grandmaster (2000 posts)
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Aezure 26/5/2014, 2:42 pm

KMV wrote:
Aezure wrote:
KMV wrote:
Aezure wrote:If I was in your position there (I hope i never have to be, because ugh Veigar and LB screws you either way) I would have rushed Athene's then full damage.
Zhonya's was near useless because if you are forced to use it on Veigar you will just die right afterwards. RoA wasn't a bad pick up, but is inferior to Athene's.
Either way LeBlanc should poop on you in lane.

KMV wrote:The only time you itemize defensively like that is if your playing something that does heavy sustain damage like Swain or Warwick.
I'm just going to correct this a bit. You should itemise defensively in lane if your opponent has strong kill pressure on you, whether your opponent's damage is sustained or not doesn't really affect it. In fact sustained damage dealers tend to be have low kill pressure, providing you know how much damage they do correctly you can back out easily, against these it's better to take teleport to heal at base without losing CS.

Yeah there are situations where you can do that but, based off the picture with his team being a combined 5/36 there's no way that's doing enough damage to win anything. That particular game was at the point where you have to risk it. Buying defensively when you are behind like that isn't going to get you anywhere. On a side note on veigar the difference between a deathcap and a chalice if you are Q farming and getting moderate kills can be 100-200 ap depending on how well you Q farm and get kills.
There's a risk and then there's being stupid. His team wouldn't have been 36 kills down before first back (ie before chalice). The risky build (for that game) would have been chalice > dfg (can survive lane but with fastest possible damage spike), the safe build would be completing Athenes before dfg (good laning but retains the ability to do stuff other than burst 1 person down then die).
There's more to carrying than just killing everyone, especially on Veigar. You need to be able to farm up. If you are against an easy lane you go tear. If you are against a hard lane you go chalice. If you are me you go 3x dorans ring (don't do that you'll get flamed). If you just rush AP you will just have the mana to farm but you will have 0 pressure on your opponent. If you rush AP and your team falls behind you will run out of mana the moment any sort of pressure is applied and your farm will suffer even more (let alone the team you are supposed to be carrying).

For the 3 doran rings thats fine you do what you have to do to make it thru laning. Personally I would pretty much always go dfg or deathcap just because of his Q farming. If you can accumulate an extra 40 ap thats a solid 860 gold just for doing well with stacking his Q. The better you are doing with stacking your Q the more you should lean towards a deathcap over a chalice. In most cases even when facing a leblanc I would 100% rely on my ability to place the box down well to beat it. If veigar is your favorite and main champion work on playing it with absolute confidence to the point where it doesn't matter what your facing you can do well and how the laning phase goes doesn't dictate the game.
You don't buy chalice as a defensive item. You buy it so you don't OOM when stacking Q. You CANT rush full damage on Veigar without running OOM stupidly quickly, especially if the opposing laner is applying any sort of pressure.
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What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

Post by Heartstop123 14/7/2014, 1:43 pm

it has been a while, here is my progress so far. I am now in bronze 2 with 56 league points
What am I doing wrong? VxfBBY6
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Post by JeeOh 14/7/2014, 6:35 pm

I find that the main difference between bronze and silver is attitude. I recommend playing support to get from bronze to silver because people always desperately want the other roles and will troll if they don't get them. Try not to focus so much on winning or losing but on getting better at the game yourself.
Tier 4 (500 posts)
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